According To Your Promise

“I pray thee that thy mercy may comfort me, according to thy promise unto thy servant.” – Psalm 119:76 (GNV)

The Psalmist prays here, seeking comfort and reminds God subtly, yet effectively, of the promise He made to him “according to thy promise unto thy servant”.

This is similar to Peter whom, almost reluctantly, set out into the deep waters to cast his net. After initially reasoning why he shouldn’t do it, he eventually said ”But because you say so”, and success came his way. (See Luke 5:1-11)

This reminder, which is really more for us than for God, is useful throughout our journey. It helps retrain our earthly minds from it’s real “Can’t-Do” attitude into a Kingdom mindset, where “All things are possible” (Matthew 19:23-30).

As fellow believers in Christ, the phrases ”according to your promise” and ”because you said so” need to be uttered, in every difficult situation or decision we face. At first, it will seem forced or even silly, as it was for like Peter (see Luke 5:5). But in time, as we see God’s faithfulness to us in every situation, His thoughts become our thoughts, naturally (see Romans 12:2). Change our patterns, change our lives.

When we let His Word be our guide, and those declarations the deciding factor, our lives will go from victory to victory as we journey from faith to faith.
